
Friday, October 24, 2014

Progress Over Perfection

     I wanted to share a one year comparison. The photo on the left is about a month after I initially started working out and changing my diet, on the right is a year later. I want to show everyone that this CAN be done. You have to stay motivated and remember what you are working for, though! Of course, I have my days and weeks that I don't stick to my diet or I skip a workout but that's life and it's part of the process. Once you start working out, if you have a day or week that you slip up just remember that 1 week or 1 day isn't going to ruin all your hard work so don't get down on yourself and let that negativity live in your head. Make sure you get a grip on things and continue the journey! I have heard that I am motivation and inspiration for lots of people working for similar goals. I'm here to tell all of you that have said that, that my personal motivation (besides my daughter), are all of you! Knowing that someone is looking to me to keep going and stay on track is extremely overwhelming; in a good way. I never in a million years imagined that I could motivate anyone. I still have so much work to do but I know that I didn't gain my weight overnight and I certainly won't be losing it overnight. I'm a couple months into my year 2 of training and super-motivated! After seeing what a year of dedication did for me, I can't even imagine August 20, 2015!

1 comment:

  1. Eeeep I have been hoping you stated a blog!! I cannot wait to follow along!
